The Greatest Guide To spiritual awakening

The full moon on August 11th brings with it the key energy theme of an inner excitement rising. And in this video today, I want to share with you the five key things that I think you should know about this full moon, so you can really make the most out of it. Now, when I tune into the energy of this full moon, it really I could feel it really that fire rising, I could feel the energy very powerful. It was like a roaring kind of energy that I could pick that I was picking up on. So it's truly an exciting and powerful full moon that we're having on August 11. And the first thing I want you to know is that there's also known excitement for your life now unfolding, because since there's this rise of excitement happening now you're also more excited about your life, like the things that are coming into your life, the things that you're working on and working you towards as well. Now things started to also align for you where things just start to fall in place where before maybe things can felt kind of stuck, and they didn't want to budge now really, things are falling in place, which an AWS gives it a confirmation. And here's how I'm on the right way, I'm on the right path, I'm moving forward, this is happening, right? So you feel more excited. And even if you're not there yet, where you would like to be or if you wish you would be further along, you still will feel that excitement, because you will feel that something is moving. Because the energy that are really tuned into it was it was powerful, it was really like roaring like really, really powerful. And you will then feel that too and actually want to invite you to really just tune into that energy, or tuning into the energy of excitement of moving forward of receiving confirmations. I also want to invite you to really pay attention to your life, because things are falling into place. And you will then realize you will have that outer confirmation like things falling into place, giving it a confirmation that yes, that you are moving forward, things are happening, you are no longer stuck or stagnant. But things are finally moving. So I really want to invite you be open to that be open to seeing that. And definitely be grateful for that. But the first thing is really that you will feel more excited about your life, your path, the things that you're doing, the ideas that you're coming, there's definitely that inner excitement that is really being turned up. Because when you're excited, you often feel inspired to take action, you feel inspired to move forward to then move ahead to receive those ideas. So really allow yourself to feel that. Now the second thing here that can add happiness, because you're feeling excited, that can also bring up some frustration, some discomfort, because you actually would like to be there already, you want to be further along. And you may, it may even cause you to feel a little uncomfortable. And maybe a little frustrated, because maybe things are not moving as fast as you want. There are moving, there's definitely a lot of movement happening. But sometimes it just may not happen as fast as we want things to move. Now, if you are feeling that if that comes up, you're you have that excitement, but then you're like also like, you know, you're getting that little damper right after, but I'm not there yet. And if you're feeling a lot uncomfortable, or if you're feeling a little frustrated, here, I want to invite you because this is an opportunity for you to grow, to really lean into the frustration to for one final, what are you so frustrated about what is at the core of it, but and also then turn things around and look at it from a different perspective. And allow yourself to be excited about the journey that you have taken up until this point because you are no longer who you were, let's say six months ago, or even just a month ago, right? You are no longer the same person you have transformed. You're transforming every single day, be whether you know it or you don't, but you are growing every single day. And when you allow yourself to review your journey, and really find that excitement about all the growth, all the changes that have happened, the transformation that happened within you, that can give you the strength to continue moving forward because you are right where you are meant to be. If you're not further along, then that's because there is you're not ready to be further along yet. But this still doesn't mean for you to then feel frustrated about it because you are right where you're meant to be. If you do want to move forward quicker, then take this as an opportunity to really lean into that like really tune into the discomfort. The frustration, does the what can you learn from this? What is this trying to teach you? There are certain lessons that maybe you haven't quite learned yet and that's why you are not where you want to be and it's really not about getting there. It's about the journey. Eat, to getting there. That's where the most exciting because think about if you would achieve every single goal right away just like that, there's no fun on that, right because the fun and also yes, the difficulties, you but the growth, the transformation happens along the way, not you getting there, but you on your way of getting there. And when you allow yourself to really tune into that and really breathe through any challenge, any frustration and discomfort of you not being there yet. And really find gratitude about the journey that you have been on already. Find the excitement of you changing every day because of your journey. That is a beautiful thing. But here, the second thing is really that, because of that excitement, it can also bring up some discomfort or frustration, because you really want to be there already, but you're not there yet. But still, you're going at the pace that is just right for you now, not right for you ego, okay, but right for you, as the awakening soul, because like I said, there still may be some things that you haven't quite learned yet that you still have to learn in order to then take that next step. But it's all unfolding the way is meant for you. Your soul has a plan and the plan is unfolding. Just know that you are on the way no matter where you're at on your journey, you are on the way and you will get there. But like I said, it's about the journey, not so much about actually getting there. But it's truly about the journey. And if you can find the gratitude, about Dad about the journey about your journey and your growth, it will be a lot easier for you. And our third piece here is that new ideas are also now forthcoming. Because this excitement, really you're getting excited about your life about moving forward. Well, you need ideas to help you take those next steps. And they are now forthcoming to really help you elevate your life to help you really move ahead on purpose, and to move ahead with purpose and direction. Like if you're just excited, but you don't really know what okay, what's the next step? Well, you're not really you can only stay excited that long, right? So you're also being given the insights now of what is that next step for you're getting the insights, the downloads the ideas, to really help you move forward to really elevate your life. Now here, I want to invite you to take time to really tune in, to open yourself up because you need to make some time and space in order to really open yourself up for the ideas. Now, of course ideas often also, you know, come in when you least expect them and when you're least prepared to write them down. But now, I want to invite you to do more be more intentional about it. To tune in to think about okay, I'm so excited about my life. I'm so excited about my path, you know, what do I feel called to do? Like really sit with that question? What do I feel called to do? How can I serve myself? How can I serve at a in a bigger and bolder way? And just let those questions just like put them in a room basically, right? Don't contemplate about them. Just put them out there. And allow the guidance allow the ideas to come in. Now here you can also kind of think about well, where are you? Where do you want to go? Actually, what is that ultimate goal that you want to achieve? Like the next bigger ultimate goal? Where are you moving towards? What would you like to experience? Right? Whether it's you maybe want to start a business or you know, grow your business, elevate your the work that you're doing, maybe start something completely different, maybe move somewhere, maybe, you know, have a different career or you know, advance a new career, whatever it is like think like big picture, what do you want, and then tap into the excitement of, Okay, I'm getting there, I'm on my way there. really tap into the excitement of that. And then think back, think about like, Okay, I want to be there. I'm super excited about it. Well, what are the next steps? It's about that really being more in that curious kind of mindset instead of the, how can I get there, you know, trying to figure it out. But really be curious, like, I wonder what could I do to get there? I wonder, right? Be in that energy. Because when you're in that kind of energy, you're releasing any attachment, you're really just opening yourself up to receiving the ideas. So tune in and do this gentle contemplation of I wonder what will be the next step for me. And then allow you may already sit there with a pen and paper pen and paper already ready to just start writing. And then just without force without pressure, just sit there. Oh wonder, I wonder maybe even do a little playful or whatnot. And it was just allowed ideas to come. Now if you're not getting ideas where Right at that moment, then you may still be too attached to it, then just go about your day, maybe do something that doesn't mean you're absolutely mentally involved, right? But do something, maybe go into yard or go into garden or go shopping or, you know, maybe meditate or do something where you still where you're doing something, but you're not truly focusing on the question. Because when you're doing something that doesn't require all your mind power, then you're still open to receive the insights. Because insights are now forthcoming, you will get more ideas. And you just got to open yourself up to really receive those ideas. But ideas are definitely forthcoming to really help you elevate your path, move forward, so you can feel even more excited about moving forward. And the fourth piece here is that you're also there's that call to take a leap, and to have faith with all this excitement, the ideas forthcoming, you may actually get ideas that are quite huge that you're like, oh, no, do we don't want to do that, right. And here's really, there's a call to truly trust and just to take a leap, to take a leap of faith and just to trust and hear you, man and also look at your life and kind of think back like, have you maybe been holding back maybe ignoring your soul's nudges, maybe you've already gotten some ideas, but just put them aside, I'm not ready for that. Yeah, that's all too huge for me, or just completely tune that out. Now is really the invitation for you to become honest with yourself of where have you been holding yourself back? Where have you been playing small, and there's really the invitation for you to drop all that. And to really tune into trust, and just to take that leap of faith. And trusting in yourself that you're really capable of doing whatever it is that you feel guided to do, to trust in your path because your soul already knows what you're here to do. Your soul is guiding you and nudging your guides are guiding you and nudging you Synchronicities are happening with the confirmation, I guess this is the path for you. Right. So here, the invitation is truly to take a leap and just to trust to trust in yourself your path, the your souls plan that everything is unfolding, just as it was meant to. And to help you with that I have a video when I invite you to check out it's a video where I share seven steps to how to get out of your own way and really step into your power because that's truly what's necessary. In order to really move forward, you have to step outside of your comfort zone, because that's where the growth happens. That's where the transformation happens. That's when forward movement happens. If you're just staying in your comfort zone well and not much changes, it's just always kind of stays the same. And here with like I said, when I tune into this energy and by the way, that video just mentioned is in the description below. The link is in description below so you can check it out. But when I really tune into this energy of the full moon, oh my God, it was it was literally roaring at me I could actually see a lion just roaring at me that's like the energy behind this full moon. And especially because the Lionsgate is like right before the full moon as well. So there's like the double energy. So it's still the Lionsgate energy is still in infused into this Full Moon as well. So it's truly a powerful energy that we're being offered right now. So it's asking us to be courageous, it's asking us to really step outside of our comfort zone. And if there's at any time where you feel like you're holding back, you're playing small, you're, you're talking yourself out of things, and you're ready to play things safe. Now, I'm not saying do anything crazy, that is not what I'm saying. But it's like really listening to your soul and letting your soul guide you if your soul is telling you to Hey, take a leap. And just trust, then do that and trust you, you can handle whatever's coming your way. There is nothing too scary, too big for you not to handle. And if you are having doubts coming up, I want to invite you to challenge them. Your fears are coming up doubts, challenge them. And because you want to ask yourself, Do I really want to give my power away to this fear? And this doubt? Well, heck no. Right? You don't want to do that. You want to stand in your power, and then do what you feel called to do. So challenge your fears, challenge your doubts. And like I said, check out that video about the seven steps on how to really get out of your own way and step into your power. So you can really do that. Because really the fourth piece here is there is a call to take a leap into trust fully because then you will you're able to really move forward. Then the fifth piece here is that your personal view of yourself is actually changing as well, because you're really being activated from within to trust to get excited to Take a leap, right? Well, that requires for you to and also to look at yourself a little differently, to look at yourself as a person, yeah, I can do this, I got this, I'm good enough to do this, right, I'm ready to do this, I'm empowered enough to do this. So how you see yourself is also shifting because you're truly being activated, to step into your power, and exit. This whole energy is all about, you know, this lion, you know, does this powerful energy, being courageous, being motivated, being confident and being empowered, where your, how you see yourself how you view yourself, how you look at yourself is often now being uplifted, because it's supporting you then to take that leap of faith to fully trust. Because if you wouldn't trust in yourself, if you would look at yourself, as someone that can do that, well, then it's going to be very challenging for you to really take that leap of faith right to to, to trust and to really take that leap. So now you're really being activated with all this energy that's being available to us right now, to really look at yourself in a different light. You may even allow yourself to kind of look around in your life and the people around you, how do they see you, they probably see you in a completely different light than you see yourself. Where maybe they see things about you, they're actually they're blown away by you by certain things about you. And you just think, Gosh, that's just who I am, right. And allow yourself to see yourself with new eyes, see yourself as the really the empowered, the courageous, the confident, the courageous person that you that you are deep within. But like I said, you also now starting to look at yourself maybe a little different, or you actually being activated and invited to do so to really see yourself for how magnificent you are, how beautiful of a soul you are, how capable you are. So this film is definitely a powerful full moon. And I really hope that you're going to get the most out make the most out of this full moon, and especially because of the Lionsgate the energy, you're still you know, infused into that. So it's truly a powerful period right now. Now, let's talk a little more about like, how can you really make the most out of this Full Moon energy, I really want to invite you to connect with the energy off or the feeling of excitement, like literally feel it from within, let it you know, bubble up from deep within, feel the excitement and let that excitement guide you. Whenever fear comes up, tap into the energy of excitement again, let that excitement overpower the fear the doubt, Alexa, challenge your fears and doubts. You want to reject them because whatever guidance you're receiving, whatever insights you're getting, whatever ideas you're getting, that excitement asked for your path, it's all meant to happen. So if fear comes up, if doubt comes up, like literally rejected challenge, it's a no I mean, I'm not going to give my power away to that, right. And really tap back into the energy of excitement for what's to come for how your life is evolving how your life is unfolding right now. And then trust and take a leap, take that next step because you're going to get insights, you're going to get ideas, I really want to invite you to act upon take those steps, because when you're in motion, when you're moving forward, even if it's just tiny little steps, if you don't want to take the big leap yet, perfectly fine. But as long as you're taking steps forward, right, constantly kind of pushing against that comfort zone and you constantly moving forward when you're in motion. Then the next bigger pieces are coming into your awareness you've been given the next insights the next steps to take. So really make the most out of this powerful energy and tune into that. So here you go. You have the five key things about the Full Moon on August the 11th. I really hope you enjoyed this video. If you did do me a favor, hit the like button. Maybe leave me a comment below and let me know what are you now excited about? What are you excited to really call forth I would love to know. So thanks so much for spiritual awakening journey watching. I'm super excited to be here. Now be sure to check out this next video about how to get out of your own way and step into your power to seven step process to really help you really be empowered. I think you're going to love it. And I look forward to seeing you again next video. Until then, make it an amazingly abundant and successful day. Namaste.

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